Action 6 dekaron private server reddit
Action 6 dekaron private server reddit

if someone could help me I thank you P.S.


do not ask that gave me the working file, just a guide on how to process. Our private server is packed with features that no other private server has. Similar Threads HELP Action/list.csv - Dekaron Private Server - 25 Replies can anyone help me with this file, there is a limitation in there, he can not read more than 2049 lines (correct me if Im wrong). If you're interested in learning more about Dekaron, feel free to ask around here on the subreddit, or on our official forums ( ) Fights, grudges, guilds, and alliances are at the heart of any Dekaron server. Well then there is a server for you For the people who enjoyed the old classic version of 2moons minus the pay2win element and bad decisions made during the acclaim/gamehi days, and the new systems after Action 6. Because of this open world PK, Dekaron thrives on player interactions. This means that any journey out into the variety of maps/zones places you right into the thick of danger.

action 6 dekaron private server reddit

The main draw (imo) of Dekaron is that players are flagged for PvP everywhere but the main towns.

action 6 dekaron private server reddit

Featuring (at the moment) 11 classes, each with dozens of skills, 4 different stats, 20+ armor sets, and more. If you're reddit savvy and wondering what's going on here at this subreddit, well then you're in the right place.ĭekaron Rising is our private server of the MMO Dekaron.( )ĭekaron itself is your typical MMORPG. Fussion - dekaron ACTION 6: Good Day to Die (English server) Two Servers, Rates: x100 & x1500. If you're from our forums, and want to know more about reddit itself, read up on it over here: If you're reading this, then you've stumbled across the subreddit for the MMO Dekaron Rising.

Action 6 dekaron private server reddit